Automated Trading : You must know

What is Automated Trading?
It is the use of computer programs for entering trading orders with the computer algorithm deciding on aspects of the order such as the timing, price, or quantity of the order, or in many cases initiating the order without human intervention. 

An automatic and automated forex trading system allows you to benefit from the profitability of the forex market without having to become an expert in trading. In automated trading through managed accounts, the trading program executes the trades for you. With a reliable auto trading platform, you are not required to do the actual trading yourself and therefore you save your time. And if you can watch the market constantly, you can manage multiple accounts from your trading platforms, simultaneously, which was never possible with manual trading.

Automated forex trading systems present advantage of trading multiple systems and multiple markets. An automatic and automated forex trading allow your trades to be made at any time of the day or night, regardless of your presence. You do not miss a single profitable trade even if you are not present in front of your computer terminal.

So guys, this was all about automated trading, if you want to go for automated trading, I will suggest you some cool softwares for that but my advice for newbies is that for now, please stay away from automated trading and build strategy of your own.
For experts, I guess you all must have heard about automated trading, I'll surely post the best automated trading software for that, as I am still working on two such softwares. .
Stay tuned till then. .

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